스스로 자동차 제어장치를 만들고 시험하고 배우려는 분들을 위한

자동차 튜닝을 위한 기본 엔진제어장치 소프트웨어 + 하드웨어

EMS software

제어하드웨어및 소프트웨어가 공개된듯




In general, the MegaSquirt® family of EFI Controllers by Bowling and Grippo is not designed to be a 'no hassle' solution to user's EFI needs. Instead it is intended to be an educational process. As a result, a large amount of reading and study is required. If you are new to the MegaSquirt® community, you may find there is a lot of new information to digest, and much of it will seem confusing, or even contradictory. Your best bet is to read and re-read the FAQ and the manual thoroughly

Posted by 카즈앤미